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Is advertising bothering you?

GuKlo is here to help!

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About GuKlo

Would you like to watch your favorite movies, shows, or videos on YouTube without breaks? Do pop-up ads and unexpected redirects irritate you so much that you might just close your tab and start searching for the information you want on another web site? Do you find it hard to concentrate your attention when you open a Web site and there are lots of banner ads and animated ads? If you answered affirmatively at least once, you will probably find it useful to use GuKlo all the time.


GuKlo is a handy extension that takes up very little space and consumes almost no computing power, but adds many useful features to your browser. First of all, GuKlo is able to analyze and block many different types of ads that you and other users encounter on the Internet all the time. Secondly, GuKlo blocks advertising content before it is downloaded from the network, reducing the amount of data transferred, which saves you time (websites load faster) and possibly your money (if you have a dimited tariff plan). Thirdly, GuKlo helps to protect your device from malicious programs and scripts, this is achieved by a built-in list of popular domains which are often used by scammers.

Get GuKlo Now

Still not sure if you need GuKlo? Since the extension is completely free, you can try and test it as much as you want without any conditions.



If you care about your online privacy, you have another reason to use GuKlo. Our extension does not collect data about your device or your online behavior. You can visit additional sections of our website to learn more about our product and read GuKlo's privacy policy.

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